► A man entered the mosque
when it was not the time for prayer, and he found a ten-year old boy
praying with proper focus and humility.
He waited until the boy had finished praying, then he came, greeted him and said; “Whose son are you?” The boy lowered his head and a tear rolled down his cheek, then he raised his head
He waited until the boy had finished praying, then he came, greeted him and said; “Whose son are you?” The boy lowered his head and a tear rolled down his cheek, then he raised his head
and said; “O uncle, am an orphan who as no father or mother.”
... The man felt sorry for him and said: “Would you like to be my son?” The boy said: “If I get hungry will you feed me?” “Yes.”
“If I am naked will you cloth me?” “Yes.”
“If I fall sick will you heal me?”
“I am not able to do that, my son.”
“If I die will you bring me back to life?”
• man Said “I am not able to do that.”
★ The boy said, ”Then leave me, my uncle, to the One Who created me, for He will guide me and He is the one who gives me food and drink.
If I fall sick He heals me and He is the One Who, I hope, will forgive me on the Day of Judgement.”
The man fell silent and went on his way, saying, “I believe in Allah, whoever puts his trust in Allah, Allah will suffice him.”by VOICE OF ISLAM.
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