SURAH 3: ’Ale-Imran
47-48 Mary was also told that her son will not be like ordinary children. Allah will give him the Book based on wisdom and reveal to him knowledge of the Torah and Bible, sending him as a Nabi to Bani-Isr’ael to whom he will say: “I bring to you a life-giving message from your Rabb. Through this revelation I will give you new life so that you can rise above the depths to which you have sunk and be able to soar high in the sky” (5/110). In all this is indeed a message for you, but only if you have faith in it.
At present you are sightless; this revelation will give you sight so that you can walk on the right path.
At present, fields of your activities are barren and lifeless; through the revelation they will become green and fruitful. Your mean disposition due to which others shun you will be transformed.
In short, your present death-like state of disgrace and degradation will be changed into a new life.
I will establish a system (replacing your present economic system) which would keep an eye on you to see how much of life’s necessities you utilise and how much you hoard in order to earn unlawful profit from it.
The changes which I bring about will serve as a proof of my being a Nabi.”
49 Jesus will say to the Bani-Isr’ael, “(The Law which I have received through revelation is not a new one.) It will validate what has been said before in the Torah (and liberate you from your self-made Shari’at – 4/160, 6/147, 16/118) and to make lawful unto you some of the things which had been forbidden to you (earlier). And I have come with a message from your Sustainer so always abide by the Laws of Allah and follow me.”
50 “And most certainly, Allah is my Sustainer and yours, Who alone must be obeyed. This is the right path which will lead you to your destination.”
51 This was said to Mary. Then Jesus was born and in due course of time received Nubuwwat from Allah. He conveyed his revolutionary message to the Bani-Isr’ael. He was opposed by the priests. Perceiving their intentions to be dangerous, Jesus summoned his followers and asked them: “Who will be my helper in the cause of Allah?”. They spontaneously answered: “We will be your helpers. We believe Allah, and you will be our witness to see how we submit to the Divine Laws.”
52 This they said to Jesus. Thereafter they addressed Allah saying, “O our Sustainer! We believe in what you have revealed and would follow Your Rasool. Count us amongst those whose lives are a living proof of the truthfulness of the Divine Order.”
53 Those who opposed Jesus, plotted in secret against him. Allah on the other hand, devised the means to protect him. And surely His means are the best of all.
54 Jesus’ enemies conspired to crucify him but Allah said to him. “Be assured! their conspiracy will not succeed. You will fulfil your mission and die a natural death (5/177). You will be exalted. I will absolve you to the allegations levelled against you and take you far away from the grip of these conspirators. At present your followers appear to be weak, but eventually they will overcome their enemies and remain victorious for a long time.”
“Keep this in mind that such disputes and confrontation are ultimately settled according to My Law of Mukaf’at.”
55-56 According to that Law those who reject the truth face torment in this world and the Hereafter and none can rescue them from it. On the other hand, those who accept the truth and work for its establishment are fully rewarded. And Allah does not like z’alimeen.
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