Regarding the manners of sitting when eating it was the habit of the
Holy Prophet
that he did not eat whilst reclining.
It was true that the Holy Prophet
"I do not eat while reclining. I do sit like the slave of Allah and I do eat like him."
It is narrated in a hadith that the Holy Prophet
prohibited the man to eat while lying with his face downward.
The concept of reclining has been explained in various ways:
1. To sit cross-legged.
2. To lean on an object.
3. To lean upon a flank (side).

It was true that the Holy Prophet

"I do not eat while reclining. I do sit like the slave of Allah and I do eat like him."
It is narrated in a hadith that the Holy Prophet

The concept of reclining has been explained in various ways:
1. To sit cross-legged.
2. To lean on an object.
3. To lean upon a flank (side).
Regarding number 3, (to lean upon a flank) it is the most
harmful way of sitting because when you lean upon a flank it alters the
natural way of food . The other two (to sit cross-legged and to lean
on an object ) are the ways the powerful people sit who go contrary to
Thus, the Holy Prophet 
"I do eat like the slave of Allah does" and the Holy Prophet

One should not also lean on pillows and mattresses because this position was the powerful people and the ones who eat excessively.
Abu Nu'aim has related that "The Holy Prophet

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