It stands to reason that having a girlfriend is not the manner of a
Muslim. It is forbidden for a male Muslim to have a girlfriend, as it is
forbidden for a female Muslim to have a boyfriend.
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty, that will make for greater purity for them...Say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty...O you believers! Turn you all together towards Allah that you may attain success" [24:30-31]
Muslims should have good relations with all people, males as well as
females, at school, at work, in you neighborhood etc. You should be kind
and courteous to everyone. However, it is not allowed in Islam to take a
non-mahram person or persons of the opposite gender as a very close
friend. Such friendship often leads to haram. In the Qur’an, Allah
mentioned that good men and women are those who marry, do not have
fornicating relationships and do not have "paramours" or Akhdan see
An-Nisaa’: 25, Al-Ma'idah: 5).
Akhdan are "sweethearts" or for a man a "mistress" and for a woman a
"lover". The Prophet, peace and blessings be upom him, is reported to
have stated that “whenever two strangers of the opposite gender are
alone with each other, Satan becomes the third one between them.”
So it is not allowed for a Muslim boy to have a girlfriend or for
a Muslim girl to have a boyfriend. Howsoever pure your intentions may
be, the danger is that it will lead you to sin.
Thus, you should be friendly with your classmates, boys and girls
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