![Photo: ~ A WAKE UP CALL ~
Why do we sleep in mosque,
But stay awake through a movie that lasts for 3 hours?
Why are we so bored when we look at the Quraan,
But find it easy to read other books?
Why is it so easy to ignore a message about Allah (swt),
Yet we forward nasty ones?
Why are mosque’s getting smaller,
But bars and clubs are expanding?
Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity,
But very difficult to engage with Allah (swt)?
Think about it, Are you going to forward this?
Or are you going to ignore it, because you think you will get laughed at?
The ones that won’t acknowledge this,
Allah (swt) said:“If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you on the day of judgement.”
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Why do we sleep in mosque,
But stay awake through a movie that lasts for 3 hours?
Why are we so bored when we look at the Quraan,
But find it easy to read other books?
Why is it so easy to ignore a message about Allah (swt),
Yet we forward nasty ones?
Why are mosque’s getting smaller,
But bars and clubs are expanding?
Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity,
But very difficult to engage with Allah (swt)?
Think about it, Are you going to forward this?
Or are you going to ignore it, because you think you will get laughed at?
The ones that won’t acknowledge this,
Allah (swt) said:“If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you on the day of judgement.”
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